Hey Pearls, Man oh man has it been a minute. I have missed you all so dearly. I just miss getting on here speaking of random things, minute and big. Its been almost a year. I apologize. This morning I want to talk about death. The inevitable. Something no one can run or hide from. When it comes, its coming on time. Some people die and come back others just go. The thing that gets me about death. Is no matter if there was a clue or not. No one is perpared, ever. No matter if its been yrs. No one will just deal or get over it. Death is hurtful, draining, decieving, and greedy. I have lost multiple friends, associates, family and lovers to death. The one that is dragging, pimp-slapping and kicking me is my mothers death. I never had a clue I would lose a parent at such a young age in such a horrid way. I just want to reach out and say sorry to any and everyone who lost a parent. If it was unexpected, Im sorry. If watched them whither, Im sorry. If you were greived alone, Im sorry. If you were miles away, Im sorry. If they were your best friend, Im sorry. Im sorry you took a hit that took a chunk of you that will not fully heal. One thing I am grateful for is that. I didnt leave before her and leave her with this pain. She knew me before but now there is no doubt in my mind that she fully understands and knows me. That brings me ease. I just want whoever needs it, to know that grief and pain do not go away in a night in a week month or day. Grief and pain are not always shown by screaming crying or shutting down. Grief and pain is healthy. Grief and pain turns into content and joy, eventually. Content because you realize that form that body you knew is not coming back. Joy because you had the privilege and honor to know such a person. It will take time. Man is it taking its time. We will get there. I love you all my loves Be easy and ttys Netta B.
netta TalksNew and creative way of expressing myself. This blog is connected to my new and soon to drop YouTube channel. (Click) Archives
September 2024
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